
Sunday, 19 February 2012

A kind of introduction..

For as long as I can remember I have been one of those people who embarrassing things happen to.  Everyone has those odd embarrassing moments, but I truly believe some of us "suffer" more than others.  I am one of those.

Due to a late night conversation with Mammasaurus and A Mummy Too I have been spurred on to blog about these tales of woe, amusement and grossness... Albeit anonymously!  I will tell you that I am not new to blogging, but my other blogs are simply not the right place for these stories.

In the future, I hope to open up this blog to other poor sufferers who wish to share their tales, but in a safe environment.  Think of me like the AA of embarrassing stories.  Actually, I imagine going to an AA meeting would provide you with lots of embarrassing tales...

Anyway, enough of an introduction.  I hope tonight to bring you the first proper entry, so I will get on with that.


  1. I cannot wait to see what you give us!
    It's exciting to see an anonymous blog of embarrassing shizzle start up - I love a good old chuckle at some one else's expense ;)

    bad Mammasaurus *smacks own nose*

  2. You are indeed... but just you wait until I'm asking others to send me their stories to pop up here!!

    Let's hope I have enough fodder to keep this going for a while...

  3. Love it. Sure I will have to join in in the future. But oh darn, just realised I'm going to have to set myself up with all sorts of new accounts to do that!! Oh well, it'll be worth it :)

    1. Well.. as someone who has had to do just that tonight, I can assure you it doesn't take too long..
